Gluten Free Chicken Stew
Over the past few months (well it has been about 6 months) I have gone Gluten Free. This was not in an attempt to lose weight or follow the latest food trend. It was because that ever since I was pregnant with my second child I felt sick from time to time. I mean really sick. I was hospitalized 4 times during my pregnancy due to vomiting and the vomiting, nausea and all around feeling horrible continued after my pregnancy. I also suffer from an autoimmune disease and at work had been doing a lot of research and talks regarding gluten free and the autoimmune response. I thought why not give it a try.
I have never felt better!! I have more energy no nausea or vomiting and my autoimmune disease is doing great! Now I would never tell anyone to go gluten free if it was not necessary, but sometimes it is and it’s not a fad or an easy way to lose some weight. In truth if you’re going GF for that reason you probably won’t be able to stick with it because it is not easy. It’s inconvenient for your family and more expensive as well.
So a lot of recipes that I post will be GF due to this. My sons eat these recipes as well as my husband without complaint.
Gluten Free Chicken Stew
While I say Gluten Free this recipe can easily be made GF actually some people might make their stew GF normally. I like to brown the meat so it holds up better in the stew and doesn’t pull apart. My son has been asking for this for days, but it has been 95 degrees out! I love stew but cooking stew in 95 degrees I did not want to do. Today we woke up and needed sweaters though. So, in honor of the first cool day in September let’s make stew!!
If you have never been a person who likes to cook or are just starting out. Stew is a way to ease yourself into the cooking process. Of course their are other items, but stew is great and if it comes out too runny we can just call it soup. Lol
First cut up all your veggies. It’s always better to have these cut and ready to go once your chicken is browned especially if you are not a fast cutter. You don’t want the chicken to burn.
Get out a Ziploc bag, Yes! I said ziplock bag. Place 3 Tbsp GF flour (any kind or you can use regular flour) with salt and pepper. Then cut your chicken into chunks. Place chicken chunks in a bag call your little one into the kitchen and, seal the bag and have him shake. If you really want to make it fun do a dance with them. Crank up that music!!
Next heat your pot (I used a dutch oven since in my opinion for soups and stews there is no better pot). You can get this at Macy’s, JCPenney, Sears, Bed Bath and Beyond really anywhere that they sells cooking supplies. Honestly it does not have to be the expensive $200 one either. Although I would love that one it is not budget friendly. My husband and I bought the Martha Stewart brand 7.5qt pot (I had a coupon and a gift card it only cost me $25.00 at Macy’s!!).
Either pot you use this chicken recipe will be amazing!! And will cook up in about an hour.
Place oil in your pot about ¼ cup. For oil you can use any kind you would like. I use coconut oil for its anti inflammatory benefits as well as its high smoke point.
Prior to putting chicken in the oil test it, I would put a few drops of water in to make sure that it is hot enough. If it is you should hear sizzling. Usually takes 1-2 minutes to heat.
Place chicken in the oil browning on both sides about 1-2 minutes per side.
After all the chicken is browned add veggies and stock to the pot. Turn down to medium to low heat stir and let it do its thing! While this is cooking on the stove play with the kiddies or get the laundry done coming back every 15 minutes to make sure the bottom of the pot is not burning.
After an hour add thyme, and sage stir and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Make a cornstarch slurry and you are done! Than place heaping spoonfuls into bowls sit around the table and let the food do the talking. If it’s really good you may not get any words out of the family at first. That’s ok it means they are enjoying their meals.
Until we meet again I hope you enjoyed my stew I know my son did!
2 pounds boneless chicken breast, cubed
3 potatoes, diced
4 stalks celery, sliced
2 carrots, diced
1 onion, diced
3 tbsp Gluten free flour
¼ cup Coconut oil
4 cups chicken broth, low sodium
4 sprigs of thyme
4 sage leaves
2 tbsp cornstarch with equal part liquid from pot
Salt and pepper
Cut up all vegetables. Cut chicken into chunks, place GF flour in ziploc bag and add chicken. Shake well to coat all chicken. Heat oil in pot, add chicken to brown 1-2 minutes on each side. If you have too much chicken and do not want to overcrowd your pan do it in batches.
After chicken is brown add veggies, potatoes and chicken broth. Let cook for 1 hour on medium to low heat stirring every 15 minutes. After an hour add sage and thyme.
In a small bowl place cornstarch and 2 tbsp chicken broth and mix well making a slurry. Temper by adding a little hot liquid from the pot into the bowl. Than add it all to the pot. Let cook for a few minutes then serve. Enjoy!
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